
Open 13.2 Review

Energy System Tested: Aerobic Power
Main Traits: muscular endurance, speed of repetitions, and pacing strategy
- speed of movement determined lots in this event. If you were efficient enough to move through the barbell portions (shoulder to overhead and deadlift) rapidly, with minimal wasted effort, then this would give you an edge given the time limit was only 10 minutes.
- 13.2 definitely involved a large amount of muscular endurance, especially in the quads/hammy's/glutes/low back. My legs were wrecked by the end. For 2 reasons, 1) because I felt I had to do some rebounding box jumps in order to not finish too far back in my region, and 2) because for the last 6 months I have had "Jumper's Knee", and have done very few box jumps for that reason. So, that movement has become foreign to me. Regardless, it was a tough event and I scored 294 reps, with several missed box jumps due to technique.
- along with muscular endurance, the aerobic system was the main energy system for the large majority.  The main reason for this distinction was that the time frame was 10 minutes, the weight was relatively lite for many, and there was relatively very few breaks of an extended duration (meaning lots of work, little rest).
- upon first seeing this workout, I liked it. After the following weekend, I dislike it. The main reason for this was that there were various standards on the box jumps. I know that regardless of what movement you pick it will be the same work (force x distance) per rep. But, there should have been the same standard for EVERYONE, in that you should have had to JUMP onto the box, or everyone should have had to step onto the box. If a workout calls for clean and jerk, can we just do power snatches instead? It is basically the same work being done per rep. My point is that everyone should have to conform to the same movement standards. 
- rebounding should not be allowed for one reason and one reason only. It is not safe. There is no reasonable argument to suggest that rebounding for 150+ times off a 20" or 24" box promotes longevity in the competitor, nor does it suggest who is fitter. I would love to see a competition like the Open utilize step down box jumps, or something of that nature. Jumping is about as "functional" as you get when it comes to fitness, but there are limits to its use. Besides, the event is testing aerobic power, a step down box jump would not take away from this if the workout is designed accordingly.
- the main reason I dislike placing high rep box jumps into an Open workout is that there are thousands of people that are VERY motivated to compete at the Regional level, or as a Master competitor at the Games. With these large numbers, and relatively very few spots available, this will entice people to push as hard as possible to stay in contention or to get back into contention. For many, this will result in them doing rebounding box jumps. For the unlucky ones, this will result in an achilles rupture or calf strain/tear, meaning there 2013 season is over.
- an even larger group of people that are competing in the Open should never do a rebounding box jump for the same reason as above, it is not safe. But, in a different way. Rebounding is a plyometric based activity, which is an activity that requires a short amortization time, meaning a VERY large peak force. Here is a quick read, the main part you want to read is the part discussing "Maturation and Basic Strength Requirements". They do not give exact figures to go along with the discussion, but they allude to strength in the legs being a pre requisite to rebounding activities of any significant force. What I am getting at is that there are A LOT of people competing in the Open, doing rebounding box jumps, without have the prerequisite strength to be prepared to handle the movement. If your quads are not adequately strong enough to take the eccentric loading and quickly turn it into a concentric movement (i.e. jump), where do you think that force is going? Here is what happens. We are not referring to lower force rebounding activities like double unders and running.
- when is the last time sumo deadlift highpulls have been in a competition? It has never appeared in the Open, Regionals, or Games. I hope this is because it is a stupid movement, with too much potential for injury and very little potential to predict fitness when compared to safer movements that perform the same function. Here is a short description as to what the pitfalls of the sumo deadlift high pull are (use your browser and search "upright row"). With any luck rebounding box jumps will climb into the closet with sumo deadlift high pull and never reappear in a legitimate competition.