
Open 13.4 Review

Energy System Tested - unknown
Main Traits - speed of repetitions, forearm/grip stamina, efficiency of movement
- when the repetition scheme goes up, instead of down, it makes the event more demanding on an individuals' movement endurance, instead of individuals' power output. Why not have the workout be 7 min AMRAP of 5 C&J and 5 Toes to Bar? Or, something like that. Either way, the large majority of people will have to slow down towards the end as the grip/arm demand will become too great to allow for consistency. This is because the movements are not opposites and they do impede on one another due to the accumulation of muscular fatigue in the same muscle groups.
- for the top tier competitors (110-115+ reps), the event was mostly aerobic power as the rest times were VERY short and the majority of the event was spent moving. If you made a hard push at the end you can get into some higher amounts of Oxygen Independent Glycolysis (anaerobic metabolism of ATP) which is painful.
- for the people in the middle, between 70-90 is really hard to say what is going on there without seeing you in person.
- for the people below 60 reps, it is almost certainly an issue of strength (mostly upper body). This is a different scenario in that most of the time would be spent resting and grunting out the reps. This is indicative of the ATP-CP system working (we call it CP Battery in this case). One way to know this is true would be to ask you to shorten your rest periods dramatically and see what happens. What would likely happen is that you would begin to miss reps as the energy required for a successful movement would not yet be recovered in the muscles (i.e. ATP and Creatine Phosphate levels would be lower than optimal). Side note - I imagine the better developed your aerobic system is the faster this recovery of Creatine Phosphate would be.
- On to the 13.5. Maybe we will see some squatting at a moderately tough load for a change...constantly varied, right?